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Increase awareness of social issues through new artistic works that integrate music with other media, and amplify those voices too often
left unheard. 




Our work concentrates on different social or environmental issues, and one topic will typically be our primary focus for one to three years. We join forces with relevant local non-profit organizations, resulting in arts and education workshops and volunteer work. We seek to dialogue, engage and collaborate with those whose lives are touched by these issues. This engagement forms the foundation for the ensemble’s creative works –multidisciplinary collaborations which strive, through innovative integration of media, to amplify those voices too often left unheard.

The ensemble has explored and continues to explore topics including domestic violence and trafficking in Chicago, environment-related concerns (including global warming, alternative modes of transportation and resource scarcity, and culminating in a series of performances entitled Breaking Ice), and homelessness in Chicago.

Our 2015-16 activities culminated in Edge of Shelter, two performances that focused on different aspects of homelessness in Chicago, in collaboration with many individuals who are either currently or have previously experienced homelessness. 

Following the recent relocation of a number of key personnel, the ensemble has begun to function in multiple states, including Illinois, California and Colorado, and is now focusing most of its efforts on individually directed projects that speak to topics as described. One such current project, led by Executive and Artistic Director Sophie Webber, is the development of a trilogy of music videos which speak to the healing power of music for people from all walks of life, experiencing all kinds of hardships, be it a momentary escape from the noise and bustle of our hectic society, a vision of hope for a brighter future in times of trouble, or a catalyst to learn more or act against harmful societal issues and laws.

Fused Muse Ensemble is a 501c3 nonprofit organization in Illinois.


Breaking Ice ~Created for Breaking Ice


Each of our long-term projects concentrates on a different social or environmental issue, and will typically be our primary focus for one to three years. Topics we have explored (and continue to explore) to date include trafficking and domestic violence, homelessness, and engaging with the environment. We join forces with relevant local non-profit organizations, resulting in arts and education workshops and volunteer work. We seek to dialogue, engage and collaborate with those whose lives are touched by these issues. This engagement forms the foundation for the ensemble’s creative works –multidisciplinary collaborations which strive, through innovative integration of media, to amplify those voices too often left unheard.

An interview with inspiring Youth Empowerment Performance Project member, Saryah Davenport, on her recent collaboration with Fused Muse Ensemble... 

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